“The only thing we need to heal is the belief that we are not already whole.”

Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Ketamine in addition to traditional talk therapy gets you unstuck faster, so you can be free to create the life of your dreams.

Is KAP right for you?

Intrigued, but wondering whether you want to take next steps? If you’re having trouble deciding if you want to explore my offering further, take a look at the info below to help you figure it out. Please keep in mind that KAP, like all therapy, depends a lot on the relationship you have with your KAP therapist. So what I describe below is specific to my personal offering. I’m always happy to talk with you personally to help guide you!

  • You are tired of feeling stuck

  • You’ve tried everything else and nothing worked

  • Therapy alone just hasn’t gotten you there

  • You are spiritual or willing to explore whatever spiritual questions you have

  • You’ve had positive experiences in the past with psychedelics

  • You’re open to new experiences

  • You have had good experiences with therapy in the past

  • You are trying to avoid talking completely

  • You are actively experiencing symptoms of psychosis

  • Your gut tells you that you’re not ready

  • You prefer to try other methods of self exploration first

  • You are really not into anything spiritual

The Group Reboot

How it’s offered: Group dosing sessions (12 week commitment* — “the group reboot?”) or individual dosing sessions

KAP Details

Individual, via Zoom or at your home

FAQs — for the programs (logistics) and for general ketamine questions

Assisted Therapy

What to know

  • Ketamine used alongside therapy improves the efficacy of treatment

  • The psychedelic properties of ketamine encourage deeper insight

  • Research shows powerful improvements in mental health when ketamine is used

If you are interested in experiencing the life-changing benefits of ketamine, I offer a few ways to access it. Each option includes an introductory session, at least one preparatory session, a dosing session, and at least one integration session. These are all necessary elements of effective psychedelic assisted therapy.

Individual, In Person/Virtual

  • Initial free consultation and screening (15 min)

  • Begin with an individual session, in person. We will discuss your life story, any previous experience with altered states of consciousness, and your hopes in trying ketamine (1 hour)

  • 2-3 individualized prep sessions, can be done in person or virtually. During these sessions, you will learn tools and skills necessary to make the most out of your ketamine journey. We will practice together in session, and you will receive a personalized toolkit to practice with at home (2-3 hours)

  • An in person, 3 hour dosing session. This can take place in my Montclair office or I can travel to your home if we decide that is suitable. The journey itself lasts approximately 1 hour, and the rest of the time is spent preparing for and then integrating your experience (3 hours)

  • Within a week of dosing, one more integration session, either in person or virtually (1 hour)

Estimated Cost for Individual: 1200-1400, plus the cost of prescription, and my travel if you choose to have me come to your home. Cost may be at least partially reimbursable by your insurance.

After the first package of sessions, follow up dosing and integration sessions will flow according to client need. I will consult individually with each client to create their own unique plan.

Group Sessions

  • Initial free consultation and screening (15 min)

  • Individual intake, either in person or via telehealth (1 hour)

  • 2 group prep sessions done via telehealth. During these sessions, group members will learn and practice tools to make the most out of their ketamine journeys. You will also receive a toolkit to help support practice at home (2 hours)

  • One group dosing session, done via telehealth. This includes an hour of preparation, an hour for your journey, and one hour of integration (3 hours)

  • Within a week of dosing, one more group integration session, held via telehealth (1 hour)

Estimated Cost per Group Member: 750, plus the cost of prescription. Costs may be at least partially reimbursable by your insurance.

After a group member’s initial session, I will work with each person individually to come up with their plan moving forward. That may mean trying individual work, scheduling a second group dosing session, or any other appropriate path.

  • Ketamine works to open the mind, increasing it’s ability to learn new habits. There are very few people who wouldn’t benefit. For those who experience anxiety, it becomes easier to believe that everything truly is fine, and they don’t have to be driven by a compulsion to fix, manage and control. For those with trauma, they can more easily ground back into the moment rather than being pulled into a scary and dangerous past. For those who feel depressed, heavy, and hopeless, ketamine has shown robust results.

    Contact me to discuss whether ketamine would be a good treatment option for you.

  • Ketamine is a legal, safe and effective medicine used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD. Ketamine has rapidly-acting antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects, which can begin to take effect within 1-2 hrs. after treatment and last for up to 2 weeks. It works by blocking the brain’s NMDA receptors as well as by stimulating AMPA receptors, which are thought to help form new synaptic connections and boost neural circuits that regulate stress and mood. Ketamine has also been shown to enhance overall neuroplasticity for lasting symptom improvement.

  • The effects of ketamine, which most patients find pleasant, last for approximately 45 minutes. These effects can make you feel “far from” your body, and facilitate shifts in perception that can often feel expansive in nature. Your motor and verbal abilities will be reduced, so you’ll be lying down in a comfortable position during the experience. Once these effects subsided, we’ll spend the remainder of our appointment giving you space to process and discuss your experience. While it may feel hard to articulate what happened during the experience, patients feel like the insights gained are none-the-less clear. Studies have shown that the benefits to mood and neurological growth can last up to two weeks after the Ketamine experience.

  • 1. At least three initial sessions with me, during which time we can decide whether ketamine would be the best course of treatment for your unique concerns.

    2. I make a referral to Journey Clinical, and you will then schedule your evaluation with their prescriber.They will go over your medical and psychiatric history with you, provide education on the treatment and determine if you are eligible for KAP.

    3. Journey Clinical’s medical staff will write a ketamine prescription for you, and a small amount of oral ketamine will be sent to your home, enough for the first 2 KAP sessions. You will be taught to take your vitals and self-administer the ketamine lozenges by Journey Clinical’s medical team in advance of our KAP sessions.

    4. Preparation sessions:
    Once you receive your ketamine lozenges, we will schedule time together for our KAP preparation, dosing and integration sessions. Preparation session(s) will be scheduled just like regular therapy sessions prior to the KAP dosing session. The goal of a preparation session(s) is to align on the process and set intentions for our KAP sessions together.

    5. KAP Dosing Session:
    A typical ketamine dosing session lasts between 2-3 hours and takes place in my office, or I offer home visits within a reasonable radius from my office. During a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine lozenge. You will be in a comfortable, reclining position wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music. Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, I will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.

    6. Integration Sessions:
    After our KAP dosing session, we will meet for multiple integration therapy sessions to review the memories, thoughts & insights that arose during your dosing session, and to prepare for the next dosing session.

    7. Follow-up consultations with Journey Clinical:
    After our first KAP session, Journey Clinical’s medical team schedule regular follow ups with you to monitor outcomes and prescribe ketamine lozenge refills, as appropriate. The frequency of follow ups depends on your unique treatment plan, at a minimum of once per quarter.

  • Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an affordable, accessible modality. Although the medical intake and follow ups are not covered by insurance, they are eligible for out-of-network reimbursement.

    Cost breakdown for KAP:

    Journey’s medical intake: $250, reimbursable by insurance through out of network benefits.

    Medications: $75 for 4-6 lozenges (typically enough for 2 dosing sessions).

    Psychotherapy for $200/hr for preparation before and integration after, reimbursable through out of network benefits. Dosing session is $575 for a three hour session.

Let’s get started today.

Ready to start feeling better?

Book your free 15 minute chat now. We will decide if it’s a good fit, and I promise it’s completely no pressure.

Email me to schedule your free phone consultation today at sonja@sonjaseglin.com.